Welcome to our Ecofriendly Journey

Rise of the Eco Heroes: A New Dawn (Ep. 01)

May 20 2021

Superheroes are fascinating in many ways, but what’s interesting, depends on individual perspective. To a child, it could be the futuristic costume, gadgets or unbelievable powers. But for others it’s the signature laugh or catchphrase they use before getting into action, or even the inner battles many face behind the mask that we can relate to. You could go on and on about the different things to love about Superheroes. However for some, external aesthetics aren’t enough to catch our eyes so we delve a little deeper, and even dare I say want to connect with our heroes on a different level. Some learn all about the origin of their powers, their family history, or even the cause they fight for and only then do we become truly engaged in their plight.

While superheroes are generally known as people who fight for good and protect the public, they differ in their abilities, costumes (For sure!), and causes, all of which are usually connected. If they were all the same, the world would only need a few of them and though we have a host of them, in movies and in real life (Heard of Captain Ozone?), there’s still a lot to fight for.

Even though we don’t all wear capes and fight crime, there is a superhero in all of us that is consciously or otherwise awakened by our different cultures, beliefs, values and a lot more. Much more than that, there is a higher cause and purpose that unites us, is bigger than all of us, and requires our collective effort and superhero instinct in whatever capacity. It is our Planet.

We all are the primary custodians of the earth. We were made from her, live in symbiosis with her and whether we realise it or not, our existence on earth is not as detached as we like to think; we give to receive from her. Sadly, we tend to forget that our interaction with her determines how well she is and how much longer she can hold.

We all have a responsibility to actively participate in caring for our planet as it’s the only home we can exist in, at least for the moment, (watching Elon Musk like a hawk).

While some of us have been in this cause for a while, constantly taking baby steps, some Eco Heroes have taken the frontlines with giant strides and quantum leaps to see that our earth is preserved. All their efforts come together and progressively make sure we enjoy the beauty and wellness that come with a healthy respect for this turf.

As long as we are on this earth, it’s always a good time to acknowledge, celebrate and support our Eco Heroes: Our Planet-friendly brands, products and services:

Hair Care Brand: Tints of Nature

The awareness and desire for hair care is constantly on the rise and with it, the effects of waste and pollution in the beauty sector. Thanks to brands like our Eco hero, Tints of Nature, whose vision is “to produce outstanding hair colour and hair care that is not only natural, but ethical and kinder to you and your hair”.

Tint of Nature conditioner


For over 20 years, customers and the planet have been at the centre of their work. They have left animals out of their testing and are continuously educating customers about the benefits of using naturally sourced ingredients while producing the very best quality of products.

Tints of nature is working hard to take hair care to a new health-i-sphere with recycled cardboards, 95% naturally derived ingredients and striving to reach their 100% organic goal.They have broken stereotypes, making organic hair products more appealing and user-friendly.They are certified by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) and belong to the Cosmetics Toiletry and Perfumery Association in the UK.

These Heroes have come a long way!

Skincare Brand: Bloomtown

Skincare and the environment, there’s nothing as dicey.  The environment we live in directly or indirectly affects our skin and the components we use to protect our skin can sometimes harm the ecosystem.

Bloom town woods soap
Bloomtown Woods soap bar
A gorgeous natural cosmetic brand in the beautiful county of Cornwall committed to biodiversity and the health of the environment
Bloomtown red and berries organic lip balm.


They make a plethora of products from body scrubs to oils and deodorants, all cruelty-free and vegan and to show their commitment to a waste-free planet, Bloomtown also donates 10% of all profits to environmental causes.

 Guess who won Gold at the Free From Skincare Awards 2020? Say the name...

Clothing Brand: Amour Vert

Amour Vert means ‘green love’ in French. Comment apte!

After the oil industry, the fashion industry is the second largest cause of environmental pollution. Who would have believed that the earth would require so much injury for us to be clothed? 

To eliminate waste, Amour Vert produces sustainable clothes in small batches at a time. Their materials include organic cotton, beechwood fibre, and Tencel which comes from eucalyptus trees. And here’s the coolest thing; For every Amour Vert Tee you buy, a tree is planted. And this has been done over 200,000 times!

Amour Verte - Velouria Nouveau brushed Oatmeal Fleece Wrap Cardigan


Amour Verte - Velouria black 

A fist up for these ones! 

We may not all be Eco Heroes, but we definitely can do little things like eliminating one-use items, airing out our homes, minimising waste. Ultimately, we can use and support eco-friendly brands as they fight to make our world a safe place, one green patch at a time.

As we take you on our awareness journey to explore sustainable and innovative brands, ideas, styles, and future trends in the hair, beauty, and self-care ecosystem. Our purpose is to inspire and guide the growing community, through the Eco-friendly journey and adopting a sustainable and planet-friendly lifestyle.

Welcome to Planet Hairstee!



  • Founay: June 04, 2021

    Thanks for encouraging us to take that step ……

  • Artbyp: May 21, 2021

    This is a great read!
    There’s a SUPER HERP IN US ALL!
    Step at a time, we can save the planet.

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